Hello Team Telemark Families!
Telemark is preparing to host our first Biathlon race since March of 2019! This is a big event for our T2T athletes as it is our zone qualifying race for this season’s BC Winter Games. Our athletes stand a good chance of qualifying for the 2022 BCWG in Biathlon, but we are in need of some volunteers to help make the event a success!
We would also love to see our cross country teammates out to help cheer on the biathlon team as they race at home for the first time in almost 3 years!
2021 Okanagan Candy Cane Cup Regional Biathlon Race and Zone 2 BCWG Trials
When: Sunday Dec 19th
What kind of help is needed?
- Timing Assistants (assists with timing the race)
- Race starter (starts racers on their start time)
- Range scorers (records hits and misses during the event. Great view of the shooting range)
- Rope pullers/sweepers (works with the range recorders to reset the targets after shooting)
- Penalty loop counter
- Finish Line recorder
- Timing chip manager (hand out and collect timing chips)
Time commitment: Typically volunteer positions would be needed from 9am-12pm
If you are able to volunteer, please signup here:
Volunteer position sign up: volunteersignup.org/WXK7D
NB: we need volunteers to register on zone 4 for contact tracing here: