Telemark Group Training Rules; March 10th 2022 Update
“Don’t be the Reason we ruin our Season”
Before you Arrive
- Before Every Group Training Session All individuals must complete a self-assessment of Health
- Outside of Telemark practice activities Physical Distancing is recommended
Group Size
- The Group size goal for Youth Athletes in a Ski Program Group is 12
- Some groups require additional support from parents to help encourage our rules. We should try to avoid more than 1 parent for every 4 skiers
- A group list is below
If you get Sick
- Do not come to training practice
- Athletes are required to inform their head coach immediately if they get sick; confidentiality will be maintained
- Positive Covid test results are required to be shared with the athlete’s head coach immediately; confidentiality will be maintained. The head coach will inform the parents/guardians of other athletes in the training group if the case is applicable
Rally Points
- L2C at the Timing Hut; Boo’s Trail
- T2T at the Finish Sprint Hill; Krar Hill
- Track Attack at the Sprint Course Sign; Elliot Hill
- Map Below

Additional Provincial Rules and Information is available below:
The Telemark Board of Directors has approved our team to use the Cross Country BC return to sport plan. Cross Country BC and Via sport have previously gotten approval for this plan from Public Health Officials and Work Safe BC.
Our Return to Sport Plan is based on current public health guidance. While we are all doing our best to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19, while the virus circulates in our communities it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk. Each participant must make their own decision as to whether it is in their best interest to resume participation at this time. You must take into account your own circumstances and make the decision that is right for you. Should you choose to join us, we require your full cooperation with our Return to Sport Plan.
General Rules
For all individuals and for all activities (training, workshops, office work, etc.), if you choose to participate, you must follow these rules:
- If you don’t feel well or are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, you must stay home.
- If you live in a household with someone who has COVID-19 or is showing symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home.
- Wash your hands before participating
- Bring your own equipment, water bottle
- Before Every Group Training Session All individuals must complete a self-assessment of Health
- Consider your own risk. If you are at higher risk of experiencing serious illness from COVID-19, consider limiting or avoiding participation for the time being.
- If you start to feel mildly ill while participating, inform the person in charge (e.g., coach), sanitize your hands, go straight home, and complete the online self-assessment tool. If severely ill (e.g., difficulty breathing, chest pain) have the person call 911. (And that person should ensure the cleaning and disinfecting of any surfaces that you have come into contact with.)
- If you have any health and safety concerns, inform the person in charge and/or the CCBC office.
Group Training (including camps)
- In addition to below, comply with above General Rules.
- Coaches are to remind all participants of the rules
- Maximum group size is 100 (current interior health recommendation), but realistically needs to be smaller for effective/safe group training.
- If indoor facilities are used (e.g., gym), follow all additional facility directives in place.
In the event that first aid is required to be administered during an activity, all persons attending to the injured individual must first put on a mask and gloves.
First aid protocols for an unresponsive person during COVID-19:
Positive Covid Case Communication Plan
- Keep identity of Case Confidential
- Contact Coach
- Head Coach contact parents/guardians of Athletes if applicable (Confidentially)
- Head Coach to Inform the training group athlete belongs to if applicable (Confidentially)
Ski Groups