The Mission of the Team Telemark Program is to deliver a good experience for the members while providing a supportive, encouraging and progressively structured training environment so that they may achieve their goals of sports excellence.
Team Telemark Values: Adventure, Camaraderie, Integrity and Excellence
Strategic Focus Areas:
1. Unite the Community
- The program is inclusive of Nordic, Biathlon, Para-Nordic and Special Olympic skiers.
- Improved integration measures from the SDP level (Strongstart, jackrabbit) toward the competitive skiing program; inclusive of the Nordic and Biathlon disciplines.
2. Enhance Athlete Development System
- A consistent field of nominations toward Provincial Teams, Talent Squad and Development Squad.
- Grow our synergy between Nordic and Biathlon programs to create a one team concept.
- Refine and maintain excellence with our Athlete Training Programs, consistent with the objectives of Nordiq Canada/Biathlon Canada and the LTAD Model.
3.Supporting a High-Performance Development System – U20 Development Program
- The program is designed to attract and retain skiers through high school (T2T, L2C: Ages 13-17) and into early post-secondary age groups (T2C: Ages 17-19).
- Outcomes include:
- Alignment with the LTAD and Sport for Life objectives.
- Full time training – Summer and winter programming age 15 and up.
- Develop young athletes to become future sport ambassadors.
- Increase the talent pool toward National Training Centers and the National Program.
4. Enhance Coach Development System
- Our program endeavors to provide coach education experience both formally and in practice through a salaried professional coaching team.
- Mentorship of our paid and volunteer coach team.
- Facilitate their attendance to NCCP program and high-performance coaching seminars.