Telemark Biathlon COVID-19 GENERAL RULES
For all individuals participating in biathlon (training, workshops, office work, etc.), if you choose to participate, you must follow these rules:
- If you don’t feel well or are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, you must stay home.
- If you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, please be tested and receive a negative result before coming to practice.
- Wash your hands before participating.
- Bring your own equipment, water bottle and hand sanitizer.
- Do not share food or beverages.
- All individuals must have a current Biathlon BC Membership.
- All individuals must complete a COVID-19 self-assessment, (e.g. using this online self-assessment tool), on a daily basis before arriving.
- Coaches and administrators must be familiar with the Illness Policy.
- Consider your own risk. If you are at higher risk of experiencing serious illness from COVID-19, consider limiting or avoiding participation for the time being.
- If you start to feel mildly ill while participating, inform the person in charge (e.g., coach), sanitize your hands, go straight home, and complete a COVID-19 self-assessment.
- If you have any health and safety concerns, inform the person in charge and/or the Biathlon BC office administrator.
First Aid
In the event that first aid is required to be administered during an activity, all persons attending to the injured individual must first put on a mask and gloves. WorkSafe BC has provided a guide for employers and Occupational First Aid Attendants to follow. First aid protocols for an unresponsive person during COVID-19 have been developed by the Canadian Red Cross. The first aid kit is located in the Fort.
Group Training Cohorts
Telemark biathlon will form cohorts among our programs to ensure that there is minimal contact between individuals, while at the same time allowing for more realistic biathlon training to occur. During specific practice activities, 2m physical distancing will not be mandatory, however coaches should strive to plan activities to maintain 2m distance between participants as much as possible.
Warming huts, wax rooms, changing rooms and team vans are examples that not considered part of practice activities because participants are not at these locations while performing sport specific activities. If 2m physical distancing can’t be maintained during these non-sport specific activities, masks should be worn. Telemark biathlon cohorts may include up to 100 people, although only 50 people may be present at one time.
Telemark Group Training Cohorts
- Coaches should still plan to minimize contact during designated practice activities.
- Athletes within cohorts are still required 2m physical distancing outside of designated practice activities.
- Telemark Biathlon programs will be composed of the following cohorts:
- Biathlon Learn to Compete program registrants
- Biathlon Train to Train program registrants
- Biathlon Bears (all bears) program registrants
- Recreation Biathlon Registrants
Group Training Protocols
- In addition to below, comply with above General Rules.
- Sanitation supplies are available as needed, or participants are informed if they are required to bring their own.
- The maximum group size is 100, but realistically needs to be smaller for effective/safe group training.
- If indoor facilities are used (e.g., gym), follow all additional facility directives in place.
- A record of participants is maintained.
- Nothing is shared. If something must be shared (e.g., surfaces), it is cleaned/disinfected between users (e.g., with disinfecting wipes). Assign one individual to read the info on cleaning and disinfectants and to do the disinfecting.
- Sanitation supplies are available as needed.
- Masks and gloves are available in case first-aid is required. Coaches have trained themselves on the proper use of masks.
- Coaches should ensure adequate supervision so that rules are followed, with reminders as needed.
- Outside of Telemark practice activities, physical distancing is recommended.
- Carpooling is permitted (Masks are recommended)
- Telemark Van use requires masks.
Training Facilities/Operations Protocols
- All Telemark Nordic Club’s protocols for use of the facilities (e.g.: clubhouses, shooting ranges, equipment rooms, flex rooms, wax rooms, washrooms etc.) are followed.
- Physical distancing (2m) must remain in place at all times within the facility. If this is not possible, masks should be worn.
- The Fort must have COVID-19 safety protocol signage in place.
- Masks must be worn inside the Fort if more than 1 person is inside. A Maximum of 3 people are allowed in the fort at one time.
- Only 1 person at a time is allowed in the Shed and Hut.
- Hand sanitizer stations are provided for participants in multiple locations.
- Group sizes do not exceed 50 individuals.
- Communal sitting areas are avoided or sanitized between uses.
A maximum of 3 people, wearing masks, will be permitted inside the “Fort” at one time. Only one person is permitted inside the “Hut” and “Shed” at one time.
All club activities abide by local directives, including, but not limited to AGMs, Board Meetings, fundraisers, facility rentals and events
In this policy, “Team member” includes an employee, coach, volunteer, participant or parent/spectator.
- Inform an individual in a position of authority (e.g., coach) immediately if, you feel any symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite.
- Assessment
- Team members must complete the online self-assessment tool each morning before their activity to attest that they are not feeling any of the COVID 19 symptoms.
- Coaches/Managers may visually monitor team members to assess any early warning signs as to the status of their health and to touch base on how they are regarding their personal safety throughout the activity.
- If a Team Member is feeling sick with COVID-19 symptoms
- They should remain at home and contact Health Link BC at 8-1-1.
- If they feel sick and /or are showing symptoms during the activity, they should be sent home immediately and contact 8-1-1 or a doctor for further guidance.
- No Team Member may participate in an activity if they are symptomatic.
- If a Team Member tests positive for COVID-19
- Follow the directions of Public Health Officials.
- If a Team Member has been tested and is waiting for the results of a COVID-19 Test
- Follow the directions of Public Health Officials.
- Quarantine or Self-Isolate if:
- You have been advised to do so by Public Health Officials.
Covid Outbreak Plan
- Keep identity of Case a Secret
- Contact Coach
- Inform Sandy and Steve
- Sandy and /or Steve contacts parents
- Inform the training group athlete is in