Annual Bottle drive sorting Sunday Oct 15th at 10am to sort the containers (the depot requires that large amounts be sorted off site) Our goal is $5000, that’s 50,000 cans/bottles that we will sort on Oct 15th as a group, many hands make light work, this is the 4th annual bottle drive, the sorting takes approx 3 hours.
Each athlete should aim for 15 or more bags of refundables (a few car loads) and with this we will reach our goal! Car loads can be dropped off in advance of Oct 15th at the sorting spot The Paynter Akins property 3651 Glencoe Road West Kelowna, you can also liase with other Westside families if delivering loads is a challenge for you before (bring your bags to Tuesday or Thursday practice and give to the Bridges or other Westside families)
Reach out to friends, neighbors, relatives and gather up their refundables and canvas your neighborhood in advance of October 15th, share it on your personal social media.
Thank you all for your help, the team fees only cover about 60% off the operating costs for the team, fundraising is required each year.
Questions/Ideas contact Sonya Bridge at