Drumroll please…..
Our winning ski suit design was Suit #1! Athletes will have an opportunity to order the new ski suit design in a few weeks when the order process is open! Keep an eye out for further details!
Internal Gear Swap
This Saturday is an internal ski swap for our racing programs. This is a chance for our racing programs to pass on RACE skis that they have outgrown to younger skiers who need their next pair of race skis.
This is NOT a public ski swap. Coaches will be on hand to assist with fitting, but sellers NEED to be present to collect payment and/or unsold items. The swap will take place immediately after the morning training sessions for TA, T2T & L2C.
All items MUST be clearly labelled with the seller’s name and asking price.
Please bring the following type of equipment:
- Skate and classic skis – the skis must be cleaned of all grip and glide wax. No waxless skis.
- Skate and classic boots – no SNS profile or pilot boots!
- Race uniforms – freshly laundered
- Ski poles
Items can be dropped off in the basement of the main lodge, and must be claimed after the swap is finished.