Hello Ski Fans,
We are on our third week of zoom athlete and parent meetings for the T2T and L2C skiers. It will be your last chance to signup for a meeting this weekend; details below. We will also have another Team Night this Tuesday April 25th; Details below. We had a great turnout two weeks ago! Also, in this email are details for our first T2T dry-land training session of the season on May 1st 2023; Details below.
The Mission of the Telemark Competitive Program is to deliver a good experience for the members while providing a supportive encouraging and progressively structured training environment so that they may achieve their goals of sports excellence
L2C or T2T athlete and parent meetings with coach Adam
- I would love to meet with the Learn to Compete or Train to Train athletes to discuss progress on your spring goals and the upcoming season
- The zoom meetings will be about 15 minutes long
- Dates are the evenings of Saturday April 22nd and Sunday April 23rd 2023
- Please bring your training diary and goals up to date
- You can signup at this Link Here!
- We will use my personal zoom meeting room:
- Join Zoom Meeting
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6517419242
- Meeting ID: 651 741 9242
Team Telemark Values: Adventure, Camaraderie, Integrity and Excellence
Team Telemark Event Night
- Tuesday April 25th 6-7:30 pm
- Non-competitive social adventure run
- Run from the Corner of Bear Creek Rd. and Rose Valley Rd. Next to “Broken Rail Ranch Trail Rides” (Bear Cr. West)
- Map of meeting location below; 49°55’42.0?N 119°32’29.4?W
- Bear Creek West Provincial Park
- This is for Track Attack, T2T and L2C athletes and parents
- Come participate in our fun Team Telemark XC running event
- All Team Telemark Events are available on our Website Calendar!
- The Flowers are in Bloom!

T2T Dry-Land Training May 1st
Monday May the 1st at 6 pm we have our first T2T dry-land run of the season. We are at Eian Lamont Park 3088 Lakeview Cove Rd West Kelowna BC. This is a park on the Eastside of the Mount Boucherie Mountain. Come prepared to Run!
All Team Events are available on our Website Calendar!
T2T and T2T-2 Bridge Spring Training Plan Details
Here is a link to Ross’s Improving knee drive and ankle mobility to improve ski technique page; also under strength on athletes resource tab. T2T and L2C should be doing these exercises Three times a week.
This is a great time of year for strength Checkout our Core Strength Plan Here!
A good Body Weight Strength Plan is available Here!
Feel free to contact me by email with questions or concerns. Thank You,
Adam Elliot