Hello everyone!
As we approach May, Telemark will be rolling out our summer training programs. Our L2C program is already training for next season, however dryland training is often something new to members of our T2T program. Here is an outline for what is being planned for this summer:
Team Telemark Nights
Every second week through May and June we have our Team Telemark Nights. all race program members are welcome to participate. Check the Calendar for details and location! The next one is scheduled for April 25th. There is no cost to participate in the Team Telemark Nights.
T2T Nordic Program
This season we are offering training for older T2T athletes to maintain fitness and improve ski technique through roller skiing once per week. The summer T2T program will require athletes to register. Some may have pre-paid for the 2023 summer program when they registered last September. Please keep an eye on your emails for the registration link.
Telemark T2T Biathlon Programs
In conjunction with the nordic T2T practices, the T2T Biathlon program will have regular range practices once per week May – August. The summer T2T program will require athletes to register. Some may have pre-paid for the 2023 summer program when they registered last September. All participants in Telemark’s biathlon programs are required to purchase their 2023-24 Biathlon Canada membership before the first range practice.
Ogopogo Triathlon Club
Ogopogo Triathlon Club offers multiport opportunity for younger T2T athletes to improve their fitness through the summer. The emphasis is on games and skill development (running, cycling and to a lesser extent, swimming). Here is their link for more info: https://ccnbikes.com/#!/events/ogopogo-triathlon-club-2023