Hello Ski Fans,
We have decided to cancel all Telemark programs tonight, February 9th 2021, for safety reasons. The concerns include the cold temperatures, wind factor and no lodge access for pandemic safety.
You may join us for a Zoom Core Session if you like. The Tuesday Core Session is about 40 minutes. If you get bumped out of the meeting try signing back in.
Topic: Telemark Tuesday Core
Time: February 9th, 2020 06:00 PM Kelowna
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 651 741 9242
Core Strength Plan: Click HERE
Track attack skiers will have a workout at 6pm with Alex. The workout will be 30 minuets and we will work on full body strength and some cardio!
Hope to see you there!
Topic: Track Attack zoom workout
Time: Feb 9, 2021 06:00 PM Vancouver
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 722 9995 3043
Passcode: Telemark
Patience will be greatly appreciated with all Virtual “Zoom” Coaching. See you Soon!
Thank You, Adam Elliot