Raffle ticket sales have been a fabulous success this year, we are sold out of the extras! If you have oversold or in need in extras, there may be athletes who have not yet sold their allotment. Feel free to check in with each other or Sonya cell: 902-440-5450 email: sonyabridge@gmail.com. As of Friday, Sonya is not aware of anyone else with extras but there probably are some out there.
Please hand in your ticket stubs and payment at the lodge office upstairs. Mike/staff have a spreadsheet denoting what everyone owes (includes the extras that many of you generously sold, Thank you!!!) Cheque is the preferred form of payment (makes it much easier for our wonderful book keeper) payable to Telemark Nordic Club (not the team, we no longer have a separate bank account.)
Mike said a bag of money is actually preferable to an e transfer, so you can do that also. If you are not sure what you owe please ask Sonya. Thank you to those of you who handed in stubs & payment already. There is no panic but it would be nice to have them all by the end of Feb. Please leave the stubs stapled, we have to account for them all before the draws and it makes it easier if stapled.
The family who sold the most extra tickets is the Paynter-Akins (Eloise is one of our keen Track Attackers) they sold an extra 12 books (120 tickets) whoot! whoot! The prize pack goes to them but happy to announce that many other families sold extras as well and there is a small prize for each of you 🙂 stay tuned on that.
With all ticket payments handed in we will have raised an amazing for general team programming $12, 000 (2400 tickets x $5 each) all the prizes are donated and the only expense is $241 to print the tickets. Pat yourselves on the back for helping make this annual project a success. Draws take place at the lodge on March 13th. Thank you.