Registration closes December 28th, 2300 no late registrations allowed
Race Notice:
COVID Vaccine Requirements
All athletes aged 12 and older, coaches, technicians, support staff, and volunteers MUST be double vaccinated with a Canadian Government approved COVID Vaccine. Confirmation of vaccine status will be mandatory before they can access the venue on race day.
Ski prep (to be updated closer to the day, but glide will be blue or green) Grip zones clean and sanded
Saturday January 1st
Course pre-ski 1500
Courses: Course maps are here:
U10 and younger 2012 and younger 1.5 km
U12 2010 2011 2.5 km
U14 2008 2009 3.75 km
U16 2006 2007 5.0 km
U18 2004 2005 2 x 3.75 km
Old people 2003 + 2 x 5 km
Sunday January 2nd
Skis to wax tent 0930
Warm-up skis:
Track attack 1015
T2T 1030
1100 first start
Volunteer roles needed:
Sign-up sheet:
Pre-ski coaches for Saturday – Alex, Paul, Jamie, + two more
Wax area setup Saturday 1430 3 volunteers (set up tent/benches)
Wax testing team Alex, Paul, + 1 more coach 0900 Sunday
Bib pickup and distribution – one volunteer 0930 Sunday
Ski organizer – 1 volunteer
Wax team – Paul + 4 volunteers
Warm up coaches – 4 coaches (warm up is here:
Feed and caffeinate the wax team – 2 volunteers
Post-race breakdown – everybody