Hello Ski Fans,
As discussed at our season summary talk the Rossland Race is the big December Race for our team. If younger than 2002 you can ski up into the Midget category in the Saturday. Sunday’s Classic Race has full Categories for everyone. Telemark likes racing in Rossland ;o)
Dates: December 13-14, 2014
Saturday: Free Technique, Sprints
Sunday: Classic Technique, Interval Start
Race Notice
Online Registration
Early Registration Deadline: November 19th.
If you are born in 2000 or Earlier there is a categorize for you at this Vernon race on December 6 and 7th. Classic and Skate. Obviously, 1998 and older boys will be doing the Trials Race for Canada Winter Games which means that you need to register in the Open Men. If you do not want to pay extra money register Today or Tuesday. Registration Closes December 1st.
Please Register Here
Here is the RACE NOTICE!
If you are not CWG age then you will not be a priority at this event because the race does not count for anything. There are some kids registered from Nakartok in the younger categories. Rossland Noram/Kootney Cup is a better event for more of the team.
Callaghan Norams CWG trials Race
Fees for this race increase November 25th. Deadline is December 16th. Register HERE
There is also categories at this race for Midget 2000 and older.
2014 Dec 20-21 Final NorAm Race Notice