Our hard working Val Miller is needing your assistance to help out at this years Kelowna Apple Triathlon. Consider this volunteer effort as first, a way to give back to sport, support our youth as many of us were once supported in the past. The added benefit is your participation also earns some money for Team Telemark. The Kelowna Apple Triathlon Society will give a $2500 honorarium in exchange for volunteering hours during the weekend of July 4-7, 2019.
Val has created a google sheet, see link below, for athletes and families to use for sign up. Val picked the shifts I thought would work best. The older athletes can help out with set up and tear down like last year and the younger ones can tend the aid station with some parent supervision. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J7_K0H5ueIyAcnpE7wjnNyDuqkAbcfrYE7RlDP11fpw/edit?usp=sharing
There are plenty of other shifts that can be filled over the weekend if the ones on the sheet don’t work. Athletes can sign up directly on this link https://signup.com/go/KCzHssg and chose the shift they prefer or they can email Val at appletrivolunteer@gmail.com with their preference.