Title: Fun Study-Together Group FoodSafe class!
Colleen Blaney and Rebecca Tyson are planning to host a group FoodSafe class some time in November – we’ll pick the date once we know the class list. We’ll work together to take the online course (6 hours) and then the exam. It will be a fun study-together event! We are looking for a total of 7 people to get FoodSafe training to help run Telemark Race Team food fundraisers (crock-pot chili and BBQ hot-dogs) on Saturdays. With that many people having FoodSafe, the volunteer requirement will be at most two Saturdays during the season.
Telemark will refund the cost of the course. Colleen and I will do all the other organising. If you are interested, please send an email to colleen.blaney@rd.com or rebecca.tyson@ubc.ca . Thanks in advance for joining us!