Here are the details of our 2nd Annual Telemark Training Day
Here is the link to signup. The sign-up is for the potluck and Coach Adam’s wax clinic (for parents and coaches)
9:30 meet at Helen Gorman School (TR and JD skiers)
11-11:45 Arrive at Telemark – free time
11:45 lunch – on own
12:15 Team building activities / Games
1:00 Year Overview with TR1’s / JD
1:30 Goal Setting Talk – Individual goal setting
2:00 Core / movement patterns / balance
2:15 Education – LTAD model, basic energy systems, Recovery, PHV, etc. –
2:45 Barbarians capture the flag game
2:45 Wax Clinic with Adam for parents / coaches
3:15 Orienteering
4:15 stretching
4:30 Year Plan Discussion with parents – Adam
5:00 Potluck
6:30 Clean up & set up for the ski swap (Sunday)
What to Bring:
Rollerski gear
Ski striding poles
Waterbottle & holder
Lunch & Snacks
Running shoes
Rain Gear
Warm Ski Gear, gloves, toques
Multiple changes of clothes
Good attitude
Goal worksheet downloaded from website
Pen and paper
Ross, I have cups, utensils, and napkins. No plates, though.