Training will be a bit up in the air this week because of snow. We have changed the Tuesday practise to Running from Kelowna Cycle; TR2 5pm and TR1s and JDs at 5:30pm. This will also be the evening of Kelowna Cycles Open House with Great Food, Prices on everything and Team Sponsorship presentation. Please show your support by making an appearance.
Thursday, some trails might be covered in snow so I will email closer to Wed. for a plan. Plan for 6pm start.
On Saturday we will plan skiing. We will meet in Kelowna and carpool up to Sovereign Lake. Again, closer to the date I’ll send an email with the plan. Plan for a 10:30 start to ski, lunch, then ski again.
I am going to need lots of help, as two of our main coaches are away at the BC ski camp. I will need another parent for Thursday night, and 3-4 parents for Saturday to help wax and ski with the groups.
Nov 10th trail run at Okanagn mtn park. You can see crystal mtn. (the white patch) in the mountains above Abby and Michelle.