Saturday morning the JD, TJR, and TR1 groups will meet at SEK at 0930. Those new or newish to roller skiing will split off and learn some basic skills and safety. We will have loaner roller skis, but bring poles and boots for skate. You will also need gloves, bright and/or reflective clothing, and helmets. Those with more roller skiing experience are going for a longer ski and working on offset. Yes, we will be training if it is raining. As long as you aren’t the Wicked Witch of the West you should be fine with a raincoat on!
Monday morning the JD, TJR, and TR1 athletes will all meet at Rose Valley Elementary at 10:00 for a appetite building run/hike. Bring water and snacks! No, really, bring water and snacks! There will be two groups, one looping the lake and the other heading to a cool viewpoint. Time permitting we’ll do some games and drills when we get back. Figure 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Bring water and snacks!