The Event Information and Race Notice is available here!
Here is the Race Day Plan Link; Click Away. The progressive warm-up plan is in this document.
Here is thePre-Competition Planner
Racing Line Video for athletes to watch Click HERE!
Friday January 3rd 2020
- Cancelled pre-ski of race courses Cancelled
- 6:30 PM Athlete Meeting at Comfort Inn
Saturday January 4th 2020
- Pack a suitable race day lunch
- Classic Qualifiers 9-11 AM-ish Heats should start by 11:30 AM. Check
- 6:30 PM Athlete Meeting at Comfort Inn
- 7 PM Parent Meeting
Ski Preparation: We will likely be using Kilster Saturday so no base binder on skis this time around. Wax Master LF Mid, Swix LF8, Briko Red + Yellow 1:1 or Toko Yellow LF for glide wax. Low Flouro is mandatory for all regular competition in Canada now. Apparently skis found to have High Flouro wax on them will burnt in a Massive Bonfire! Click for Details! Also, for this race you probably want to have your warm-up skis prepared as Rub skis. Just like at regular classic training sessions, at all classic events you should have some basic tools and grip waxes to prepare your own warm-up skis. Do not use team wax benches or waxes without permission from the Head Coach or lead wax Technician.
I believe that 50 youth athletes is the largest Telemark has ever had at a away BC Cup! For this reason parents who are racing will be responsible for waxing their own skis at this event.
Lets have am Great Weekend of Performance Excellence Fun!