Hello Ski Fans,
We have another fun race weekend heading our way!
Team Telemark Values: Adventure, Camaraderie, Integrity and Excellence
Athletes and their skis (classic and skate) need to be at the race site by 1.5 hours before their start on Saturday.
Skis need to be completely clean of all grip and glide wax before they come to the wax technicians at the event. We will be buffing on a proper No Flouro race wax Saturday. If you want you can prepare the base wax in your skis with any red wax earlier in the week; this is not necessary.
- Registration Deadline Feb. 14th 2023: Zone4 Link
Friday Coaching: There will be coaches at the race site to answer course questions 1-2:30 PM - Competitions Dates: February 18-19, 2023
Race Notice: Click Here
All Event details are in our Calendar Here!
7 PM Zoom Meetings will take place Friday and Saturday. It will be the same link for both meetings.
Revelstoke BC Cup Team Meeting 7:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 651 741 9242
The Mission of the Telemark Race Program is to deliver a good experience for the members while providing a supportive encouraging and progressively structured training environment so that they may achieve their goals of sports excellence
Feel free to contact me by email with questions or concerns. Thank You,
Adam Elliot
Here is a link to Ross’s Improving knee drive and ankle mobility to improve ski technique page; also under strength on athletes resource tab. T2T and L2C should be doing these exercises Three times a week.
This is a great time of year for strength Checkout our Core Strength Plan Here!