Hello Ski Fans!
Wow! Two weekends in a row of provincial championships! It was great to see so many smiling faces and strong performances after a brick of hard racing like that!
Athletes – We are all so very proud of how you have raced over the past two weekends. Truly fantastic work. Great costumes. Solid technique. Great attitudes. Your hard work since September has really paid off!
Parents – You pulled above and beyond these past two weekends. Whether the ship was sailing smoothly or we were elbows deep in klister you were there as volunteers for the team, volunteers for the event, and coaches. This last weekend, and the season as a whole, has seen more parent commitment than I can remember on our team. I had many conversations with coaches from other clubs about what a great team our club had for running last weekend’s event. We even had two parents whose kids aren’t on the team anymore there all weekend working hard (thank you Dean and Barry!).
What’s next? Ski season is not over!!! After I was done cleaning up after yesterday, Rebecca and I went on a fantastic ski at Telemark on Rode Multigrade Violet. This is the time of year for fun, lower key events like Telemark Biathlon’s demo day this coming Sunday and the ever fantastic Sovereign Lakes Loppet. We get to spend some quality time working on technique during fun meandering skis around our fun trail system. We have our own and the club’s funtastic events filled with mazes, games, relays, and other events!
We generally have good snow at Telemark through March, and often into April. Sovereign also has its annual Spring Fling weekend in May for skiing in shorts and a tshirt! The best skis of the year are when we have good crust conditions up at Crystal Rim and we can go wandering between the trail systems exploring clearcuts and having fires at Adam’s hut! Starting the first week of Spring Break we will go down to just Tuesdays and Saturdays while the snow is good for night skiing, then on to Spring Corn Snow Saturdays!
We’ll see you all tomorrow night for a fun classic ski on hardwax!