Several of you have pointed out that the proposed meeting tomorrow is a bad idea. OK, I got the message LOL! There are no pressing administrative issues at this time. So, I will see you all in early September. Following is a summary of what we would have discussed:
– We have the CCC grant again, although slightly reduced.
– We have the CCBC funding again, increased by more than the CCC decrease.
– We have the club funding again, although they are not excited about our rate of progress to “self sufficiency”. Though there is in general a high level of support for the race program, they would rather be spending money on grooming equipment and trails.
– $1500 from tree planting. We had nearly 100% participation from the TR families, and WFN is pleased with how it went and is considering making this an annual opportunity.
– I am looking for someone to volunteer to organize a bottle drive (expected $2K) and a grocery packing Saturday at Superstore (expected $1K) for September or October.
– We need to start working on corporate sponsors. I would hope that each family could bring in at least one “Contributor” sponsor ($200 per year). We are also seeking one major corporate sponsor who would be willing to make a significant multi-year investment in the team. Scott has prepared a sponsor package and Scott and/or I will meet with anyone who is interested.
– Coach Adam is under contract until Aug 2013.
– We are hosting 3 CCBC coach training courses this fall. Check the schedule on the web page. Note that the club will reimburse your cost to take the courses.
– Coach Adam is looking for options for the September dryland camp at Telemark and the November snow camp normally at Silver Star. Call him directly if you have ideas.