Hello Ski Fans,
Tomorrows Roller Ski will be relocated and modified to Telemark in order to breath some cleaner air. Up high there is much less smoke. Meet at Telemark at 9:30 am August 25 2015. Be prepared to Run and Skate Roller Ski. Air Quality Health Index is poor at the moment.
Just a reminder that the Free camp registration closes today. Details about the camp are HERE!
August 26th Little White Hike. Meet at Kelowna Cycle 2949 Pandosy St #103, Kelowna, BC V1Y 1W1 to carpool at 9 am for Little White. We will do the same as last year which was to Hike up and then have Lunch and Run down. Groups will be formed with appropriate leadership and ability. If a group cannot make it to the summit they can turn back earlier. There were a few 10 year old girls who completed the run/hike without any problem. Bring Water and Lunch with you.
August 27th 9:30 am South East Kelowna Elementary Skate Roller Skiing. For this event I have extended the invitation to all TR1s as well. We will be doing the June Springs Short Time Trial; 1km. June Springs TT information.
August 29th 10am Camp Day. Meet at the Cattle Guard after 90 Corner and Glenrosa Rd. 10am. I have changed the start location of the ski to the cattle guard. We can ski an out and back on the flat before skiing up to Telemark. The pavement on Gill Road is now in pretty bad condition for Roller Skiing. Please be properly prepared for Roller Skiing with all safety equipment. Our Telemark Roller Ski Policy. Older skiers who are prepared to Classic ski will be starting from the Nut farm at 9 am.
Bring a Lunch. There is a Barbecue at Telemark’s day lodge which can be used if Desired.
We will have other activities in the afternoon including a run, Hill bounding technique, a guest speaker, fun and games plus Strength. If you do not want to roller ski you can join us at Telemark in the afternoon.
That is all for now. Thanks,
Adam Elliot