When: Wednesday, October 29th; 6pm-9pm.
Where: Fresh Air Experience on Harvey
Once again, Fresh Air Experience is holding a special night for Telemark Nordic Club race teams! This will allow parents to purchase Nordic ski equipment for our x-c athletes and our biathletes. Special pricing is available to Telemark Junior Development, Telemark Racing 1, and Telemark Racing 2 x-c athletes, and Bears, Development, and Advanced biathletes. So pull those skis and boots out of your storage and see if it is time to replace them (don’t wait for the snow to fall…).
Fresh Air has upped their nordic race buy significantly with the goal to satisfy the equipment needs for the local cross-country and biathlon teams. You will see an expanded selection of equipment from Fischer, Salomon, Rossignol and Madshus. In addition to club pricing on equipment they will have great deals on wax benches, jigs, waxes and irons.
To help deliver top level service ex-National Biathlon Team Member Chris Halldorson has joined the sales team. Chris was also head coach of the Chelsea Nordic Ski Club from 2006 – 2010; his experience in equipment selection and wax/tool knowledge is very extensive. Fresh Air is very excited to have Chris on board!