Hello Ski Fans,
The 5th Annual Triathlon was another huge success. It was really great to see so many trying this fun event and pushing outside of their comfort zones; you must push beyond your comfort zones to improve at most things in this life including performance excellence. We had some great swimmers and some poor ones, we also had some skiers who had barely tried roller skiing before skiing with veterans and who can forget those tricky transitions. Some poor swimmers obviously pushed the swim pretty hard which slowed down their ski etc. Great Work Team! Result Archive, Results and more pictures are Below.
We will all be having a Team Welcome Party meeting at the Shipley’s for on September 24th at 7pm to go over everything that encompasses our little Team. This is intended for parents and athletes of Telemark Racers and Junior Development members. If you know anyone who is thinking to join JD this season they should be in attendance as well so please make sure we get in touch with them. There will be a group run from the Shipley’s place as well before the Team Party at 6pm. 1604 Lambert Ave. in Kelowna 860 2685. More details to follow. The TR1 meeting that Ross posted a few days ago as part of a little miss communication will not be happening next week. No TR1 meeting Wednesday.
Tuesday, Paul and Ross will be leading a Beginner Roller Ski Session for those skiers who have never or rarely roller skied before. Some of you might want to get some skiing in before the Regional Camp. This will run at the same time as the normal JD and TR1 practise; 6pm from the parking lot on the East side of the apple bowl near the tennis courts 1460 Spall Road. The team does own some team skis and vests so you can try out roller skiing. Bring Runners, Helmet, Gloves, Water, Skate Boots and Poles.
All of the Triathlon Results on the Current Course… The Swim does appear to vary a lot depending on where the 4 bouys are each year.
Telemark Traithlon Results Summary 2010-14