December 6th we will be at Telemark. We will hold a parent beginner wax information session and demonstration during regular Tuesday practice time (6-7:30pm) in the chalet while the kids are skiing. Learn about what equipment and waxes to buy, ski prep, glide waxing, grip waxing, hard wax, klister and more. Get your waxing questions answered in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. If you don’t know what half of those terms mean…this is the session for you. If you know what the are but want to learn more about how to use them…come join us. If you know what all of those things are, how to use them, what different colours of waxes mean and have strong opinions about them…then you should be attending an advanced session or teaching this one.
On Dec 13th there will be an advanced waxing clinic for coaches and parents wanting to assist with waxing at races. Emphasis on waxing in a uniform and timely manner. All coaches and those in our ‘waxing pool’ need to attend and will be contacted. 6-7:30pm. The older skiers will be put to the ultimate test…coaching the JR / TJR and TR1 groups.