Folks, by now you should have received two emails from the Club with registration information. Repeating what was in the Club email:
Click here to register on Zone4
Click here to download a pdf registration form to do it “the old way”.
I wish to draw your attention to 3 items:
- Zone4 is going to add a $20 to $60 transaction fee to your total cost. You can totally avoid the transaction fee if you register “the old way” and there is no advantage, other than convenience, to using Zone4.
- To take some of the sting out of our fee increases, this year we have introduced a “deferred payment” option for TR athletes. Instructions on how to take advantage of this are on the pdf registration form. Deferred payment is NOT available on Zone4.
- New this year is an annual pass discount for university and college students.
If you are unsure in which program (JD, TR1, TR2) to register, please contact Coach Adam to discuss: Email or phone (250) 769-3750.