Here is the schedule for upcoming Race Team Parent meetings (from 6;15-7:30 pm at the Telemark Lodge):
- Tuesday December 9th
- Thursday January 15th
- Thursday February 12th
- Thursday March 5th
Our Race Team is growing. Parent input/participation in Race Team business is required to make our young athletes’ experience a positive one. All parents (new and experienced) are welcome to attend.
Draft Agenda for Tuesday
1) Adopt Agenda
2) Review Previous Minutes
3) Actions Arising
3.1 Travel and Accommodation Arrangements (various meets)
3.2 Raffle sales opportunities (Demo Days, Film Festival)
3.3 Food Safe Course
4) Updates
4.1 Chair (Brent)
4.2 Treasurer (Wendy)
4.3 Vice Chair/Jack Rabbit Liaison (Rebecca)
5) New Business
5.1 Christmas Party
5.2 Fundraising
– Raffle
– Planning Day with Tom
5.3 Trail Grooming (Training Opportunity)
6) Other