From Thursday, March 8:
– Wax inventory totally depleted having bought nothing for 2 years. Will be restocking on wax approx. $2500. Will do a special order for fall delivery to get best price.
– New portable ski wax bench purchase approved, for “away” races.
– Plan to add at least one assistant coach next year for the JD group. Probably will be one of our senior skiers or alumni. Expect program to grow from 34 to 40 athletes next year, with all of the growth in the JD group.
– Finance Report – we are good through end of August. Parent fundraising total for this season was approximately $8000.
– 2012/13 fees and budget were voted on. There will be no fee increase next season, but there will be a “required fundraising” component TBD.
– CCC grant application is due March 31. Barry is responsible for submitting.
Detailed minutes are available from Jill.
On an unrelated topic, the web page and email problems should be solved. The hosting company had a flaky server and was taking too long to deal with it, so Scott and Barry decided to move everything to a new host. Please contact Barry if you are having any ongoing problems with the web site.