Reminder that Telemark is hosting 2 coach training classes this weekend. Both are part of the NCCP coach certification program. ICC — Introduction to Community Coaching. This is a fun 1.5 day workshop that introduces the basic concepts of teaching kids to ski. You need this certification as a minimum to coach Ski League or Junior Racing.
L2T — Learn to Train. This 2.5 day workshop is the 3rd in the NCCP program. You must have ICC and CC prior to taking this workshop.
I highly recommend every parent involved in our programs take the ICC workshop. You will learn a lot which will help your child enjoy Ski League and Race, plus you will meet some people who will become lifelong friends. The club picks up the cost for the workshops, so all you have to provide is your own lunch, a good attitude, and smiles. Details are on our calendar.
Please register EARLY THIS WEEK by sending an email to Deren Sentesy or call 250-979-8005.