Many of our ‘Midget’ aged athletes and parents are just back from the 2015 Midget Championships held at Mt. Washington on Vancouver Island. The conditions and weather were the most challenging I have ever seen at a ski race. There were two constant themes. The first theme was adaptability, the race courses and formats were constantly in a state of flux. Our athletes did an amazing job of adapting to the changes. The second theme was rain, rain and more rain. Essentially it rained all day and night for 3 days. It would let up once in a while just to tease us…then back to more rain. The team had some great performances and skied really well. Unfortunately one of our relay teams had some bad luck, but thankfully came out of the race safely.
A big special thanks to Paul Shipley who gave up his time with his family to help his ski team family. Paul also did the best job of trying to sing for the team’s supper, however we feel the contest was fixed…
I would also like to thank Deepa for her coaching and organizing the kids’ activities on Friday afternoon.
The last special thanks to our great team of waxers (Klisterers) who spent more time with sticky hands than they ever imagined possible. Thanks to Brent Hobbs, Kyle Hawes, Alistair Graham, Mark Filatow and Sean Siever. Everyone also had the job of tearing down and trying to get rid of the mud on everything (see picture below) .